“'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him."
Dear friend,
Keep scrolling to let me pray Lamentations 3:24-26 (ESV) over you! May you be filled with peace and the comfort of God's presence as you read over these words of hope.

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him" (𝘃.𝟮4):
Heavenly Father, you see the hardship my sister in Christ is enduring. In Christ, may she be filled to overflowing despite any losses she experiences on this Earth. May her heart and soul be abundantly satisfied in You. Help her to hope in your promise that her portion, her inheritance, and her provision in Christ will never decay and can never be taken away.
"The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him" (𝘃.𝟮5):
Show your daughter glimmers of your goodness, even in the waiting, even when she doesn't understand what you are doing. Remind her that she doesn't need to hide in worldly things for comfort while she waits. Instead, prompt her to hide herself in You.
Lord, You don't just call us to wait; you call us to seek. May she continue to seek You knowing that You promise to draw near to her when she draws near to You and that when she seeks You with her whole heart, she will find You (James 4:8; Jeremiah 29:13). As she clings tightly to You, satisfy her every longing with more of Yourself.
"It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord" (𝘃.𝟮6):
Oh Lord, meet my dear sister's needs with Your presence and promises as she quietly waits on You. By your grace, enable her to resist the temptation to forge her own path. Help her to be still and know you are working on her behalf and have good plans for her life. While her whole being waits, may she put her hope in Your word (Psalm 130:5) and resist the schemes of the devil. Remind her that because Your steadfast love and mercies never end, and because You are faithful, You are worthy of her hope, love and devotion. May she believe that she will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13).
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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