"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13
I finally held in my hands what I had hoped I would find. After rummaging through plastic bins filled with stockings, ornaments, and Christmas ribbon, there it was: a wooden decoration with the word peace written below a hand-painted Christmas wreath.
Determined to find the perfect place for my reminder of peace, I bounced from room to room. As I came upon my snowy Christmas town, I smiled and carefully made room for peace amid the twinkling lights embracing the idyllic winter scene.
I imagine, behind every door adorned with a holiday wreath are souls like mine longing for peace within our troubled hearts, families, and the world around us. However, amid the busyness of the holiday season, I sometimes look for peace in all the wrong places. Can you relate?
When I believe peace is found in a perfectly decorated house, perfect gifts, perfectly taking care of everyone's needs, or creating perfect memories, I am less likely to find it.
The world teaches that peace comes from believing in our own righteous efforts- by doing good to all or pursuing what makes us happy- by creating the perfect circumstances for ourselves. However, my best efforts are flawed, and my circumstances are uncertain, despite my best intentions.
Therefore, to obtain lasting peace, the object of my hope must be sure, stable, and unchanging. Peace will not come from pursuing a perfect state of being but from believing in the perfect Prince of Peace, Jesus.
Without Christ, we are like sheep without a shepherd: harassed, helpless and hopeless (Matthew 9:36). Yet, through Christ, we have access to everlasting peace, not because we have ideal circumstances but because Christ came to meet our greatest need: to be reconciled to God and others.
Sweet friends, when our best-laid plans fall apart, what remains certain is Jesus came to this earth to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). May we not turn away from believing in this great hope of salvation (John 16:9). Like Paul, I pray that the God of hope would fill you and me "with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we may abound in hope (Romans 15:13)."
Heavenly Father, when the world rages around us, let the peace of Christ rule within us (Colossians 3:15). Help us find joy, knowing our sins are no longer held against us and that Satan's schemes no longer have power over us. Help us trust the Good Shepherd to restore peace to our souls, despite the brokenness within and around us. Amen.
What is your biggest obstacle to experiencing peace right now? How is God calling you to believe that Christ alone will provide the lasting peace you crave?
I would love to hear your answer in the comments below!
More Truth to Consider:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." John 14:1
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