Suffering and Sorrow

Lord, Help Me

August 12, 2024

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"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2

Help me.

The only two words I can muster.

My thoughts jumbled,

heart crumbled,

logic and reason muffled,

so I sit here humbled

begging You to help me.


I fold my hands to pray,

but a body at war can’t settle long enough

to think of what to say.

So, help me.

God, help me.

Lord, all I have is a “help me.”


The truth is I’m at the end of myself,

and all I thought I knew.

But You know,

You see,

and You are the only One who knows how to help me.

Oh Lord, please help me.


I look at the hills in front of me,

and over my shoulder at the ones I’ve already climbed.

My legs shaking,

body aching,

spirit quaking,

but I know where my help comes from.


No mountain ever stood in your way.

So, I will stand and fight another day-

by offering up my humble “help me.”

Oh Lord, I trust in You to help me.

I’ll worship while I wait for You to help me.

You whisper, “My child, I already am.


Link to Downloadable Version of "Lord, Help Me"


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  1. Paila says:

    I can relate to this beautiful poem
    Thank you!!
    Thank you my Lord & Savior for always helping me.

    • Beth Knight says:

      Paila, I’m so happy that my words resonated with you. I too am so thankful that we can trust God to help us. He is always faithful! Take care, Beth

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